Wednesday, June 24, 2015

ReJoyce Yoga Cartoon: Yoga Nidra

A bunch of yoga friends and I met up the other day and we were talking about insomnia.  I joked that my friend should do "yoga nidra," to fall asleep. 

Yoga Nidra, also known as "yogic sleep" is one of my favorite practices. I do it after my Dharma Maha Sadhana practices, right after savasana.  It's a beautiful guided meditation. If you do it right you enter a sleep-like state during a rested meditation. You still retain full consciousness but have little awareness of anything outside your physical body. 

If you do it wrong, you fall straight asleep... but it is the most beautiful, peaceful and rest you will ever have. 

So, if you ever have insomnia, you should try doing yoga nidra wrong. It might give you the best restful sleep you had in ages. :) 

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