Saturday, September 7, 2013


Big Toe Pose


Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose) usually follows Tadasana (Mountain Pose).

How to do it:

From Tadasana (Mountain Pose), step or hop your feet hip distance apart.

Take a nice deep inhale as you raise your hands up to the sky. As you exhale, you will bend from the hips and fold forward. Your arms will follow your torso. Fold completely until your hands reach your feet. Grab your big toes with your thumb and index fingers.

Bending your elbows out to the sides will help lengthen your spine.


Option 1: You can place your hands on your shins or ankles if you can’t reach your toes.

Option 2:  You can bend your knees slightly to relieve strain in your legs.

Option 3:  For a more advanced pose, you can wrap your arms around your legs and press your chest against your straight legs.

Drishti (Where you should look):

Look through your legs but concentrate on the tip of your nose.

Why we do it:

This is a great pose to strengthen and lengthen the hamstrings and calves. 

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